So you have a newborn (a beautiful big congratulations!), now I’m sure we’re not the first to ask but ‘how are they sleeping’?
Now if you are blessed with a babe that falls asleep on their own without too much rigmarole, we envy you and boy, are you lucky (honestly, enjoy every single second).
If you’re reading this and your little one is not a fan of ‘self settling’, you are not alone and it is completely ok for things to be a little hectic around nap or nighttime.
You might have tried everything, bouncer, pram, laps in the car, white noise, dark room, climate controlled cot etc etc… we’re here to help you out with a little info on Safe Sleep in our Chekoh carriers.
I’m sure you’re well aware by now that baby’s want to be close to you, with you, on you, smell and hear you. This is where Babywearing works right, it ticks all those boxes for your baby and benefits them immensely. It also helps you to feel so much more confident, enables you to get out and about (never miss a nap time when you’re away from home), and helps to settle your babe into a sleep time routine.
It has been well documented that babies will sleep/nap better and for longer when being cuddled close in a carrier. If they do become unsettled or start to wake during wear, you can read their cues easier as you are of course closer and can put your ‘sleep soother’ plan into action and start a simple back and forth sway to gently rock them back to sleep, maybe place a dummy or pacifier back in, humm or sing their favourite lullaby, the list goes on. Think of all the time (and sometimes frustration) you will save in settling your baby, also think of all those outings or events you may have put off so that baby doesn’t miss sleep time at home. Wearing them will now mean they can have their nap when you are out and about running errands, having coffee dates and just getting stuff done, no more planning your life around optimal snooze sets.

Quick Q&A
Can you wear them too long in the carrier?
No, providing that you are using your Wrap or Sling correctly and safely, in fact, research has shown that contact or touch with their parent can help a newborn to sleep soundly and longer. They can hear your heartbeat, feel your movements and be reassured that you are close, and will not feel the stress of being separated from you.
I’m worried that my baby who settles to sleep in a carrier may be less likely to settle on their own and always need to be held, is that true?
Ok so every baby (and person for that matter) is completely different, some babes will settle better on their own in a cot, and then other babies may find it difficult to self settle and don’t want to be alone. The main thing to consider here is that babies need to have positive sleep associations.
Babies that have a calm sleep environment will of course have a more positive and pleasant sleep and in the long-term will develop better sleeping habits so start with what works for them.
Can I sleep while my baby is sleeping in the carrier, is that safe?
We know that the temptation is there, you sit down on the lounge, rest your eyes and for those sleep deprived parents, it won’t take long for dreamland to start calling you, but no.
The main principle of Safe Babywearing is to be aware of your baby at all times. The TICKS guidelines are there to protect your baby, their airways, breathing and positioning, and the only way you can monitor this is by being awake, alert and responsive to your baby at all times. So again, no, never sleep while wearing your little one.